Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Edge highlighting and metallics

Continuing with the captain I started out by highlighting the tabbard, shoulder trim and the back of the joints eshin grey as well as drybrushing his crest eshin grey. I then picked out the highest parts of these areas in dawnstone.

Correction on yesterday it wasn't khorne red I'd layered the red areas it was wazdaka red. The problem is I'm using a combination of old paints and buying new ones once they run out but giving the new names because you can't get the old ones any more so sometimes I will make a mistake. Anyhooz I highlighted all the red areas evil sunz scarlet, using the edge highlighting technique on the bolter case and purity seal wax and used the gemstone technique on the lenses and gems. I'm not using the new gemstone paints because 1) I enjoy doing the gemstone technique 2) I can't outfitted to get them right now but I will be getting them for a different project, stay tuned.

 I then began the thing that always takes me the longest on a space marine model edge highlighting the armour moot green. At this point I also painted a black chevron on his knee pad. I read somewhere that the Aurora chapter don't show their company designation by their shoulder trim they show it by a coloured chevron on one of their kneepads and since the company colour for the 5th company is black that's why I did this. This been done I did done other detail work I'd missed painting the skull on his backpack rakarth flesh followed by ushabti bone washed with agrax earthshade, ushabti bone highlight then a fine screaming skull highlight. While I was doing that I applied a skrag brown highlight to the scrolls and then a thinned down later of ushabti bone over them. I then layered balor brown on the scabbard and Holt of his sword and highlighted them zemesi desert. Finally before I moved onto the metallics I painted the laurels on his backpack caliban green and highlighted then warpstone glow. I painted all the areas that were going to be gold hashut copper and then washed them with agrax earthshade and again that's all I had time for. Hoping to get him finished today. Sorry I didn't post this last night I started writing it but I was so tired I couldn't finish it.

Until next time. The Roleplay dwarf


  1. This Captain is a vast improvement on "Cpt Gangsta"!

  2. I like how he's quite subtle and understated compared to some of the captain models but still looks like gee means business
