Thursday, 4 June 2015

Finally back to painting

  After a long break from painting, with all the usual excuses of "the lighting's not good enough" "I'm too tired if I do it now I'll mess it up" I'm finally back to it. My wife once said that I wasn't allowed to buy more models until everything I currently have is painted. With me having more unpainted than painted this presented a problem. Thankfully she didn't stick with it so there was no real motivation other than wanting them to look good).

  One of the main problems I have is that I just have so much that I get disheartened when I look at the sheer volume of stuff I have to paint. I got my first army off a friend who was selling his army (Grey knights about 10/11 years ago) which I painted, and have since stripped because when I look at the paint job I did back then I feel nothing but shame so have only 5 completed models.

 I then made the mistake of for my second army buying a battle company, now buying the battle company in itself wasn't a mistake, it was with the release of 5th edition Apocalypse and the savings I made was fantastic, but 106 marines, 8 rhino's and a razorback. The sheer volume I had to paint was daunting and this was only my second army.

  At first I wanted to do the army as Imperial fists as they have always been my favourite loyalists and since the foundation paints had just come out I thought I'd give them a  go. After getting my first rhino to the colour I wanted I decided that id was to do that with a whole chapter of marines I'd probably end up topping myself so I resprayed them black. Next I went for a lich purple (xereus purple) with a Dark angels green (Caliban green) trim. But after years and years of complaints about how this colour scheme looked it was time for another re-paint. My decision this time was that I was going to go with an established chapter (so if someone complained about the colour scheme I could tell them that this was a cannon chapter) in a colour that wouldn't be too hard to paint (so I didn't have the Imperial fists all over again) but wasn't the colour of any armies that I was already painting (so that I wouldn't get bored). I decided on green and after looking through a whole bunch of space marine chapers and reading about their chapter tactics I decided on the Aurora chapter as I already had lots of space marine tanks. So here is what I have complete so far of them.

My first of my linebreaker squadron, the vindicator with it's command vehicle upgrade used on it.

And my command squad with it's razorback.

I tried OSL with the captain from his Iron halo I was proud of the effect at the time but now I think I could do better

I have nothing else that I'd considered painted. I am currently working on my Grey Knights and now I have managed to put off painting even more with this blog :-P

I'm having potentially a few battles with my grey knight against some friends this weekend (one of  whom claims to have made a pure filth ork list) So stay tuned to see how that turns our

Catch you Later

The roleplay dwarf